Beyond my work on postsocialist Germany and post-Mao China, I recently co-edited, with Michal Murawski, a book on urban inheritances of socialist modernity across today’s “Global East,” from Crimea to Cairo, Moscow to Mumbai. In the early 2000s I collaborated with the sociologist David Stark at Columbia University on a major NSF-funded project on how digital technology was influencing newly emergent civil society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Books on Postsocialist Spaces
2020 Re-Centring the City: Urban Mutations, Socialist Afterlives, and the Global East (with Michal Murawski), University College London Press.
Articles and Book Chapters on Postsocialist Spaces
2020 “Introduction: Notes towards a political morphology of undead urban forms” (with Michal Murawski). In Jonathan Bach and Michal Murawski, eds., Re-Centring the City: Urban Mutations, Socialist Afterlives, and the Global East, University College London Press, pp. 1-14.
2005 “Recombinant Technology and New Geographies of Association” (with David Stark). In Saskia Sassen and Robert Latham, eds., Digital Formations. Princeton University Press, pp. 37-53.
2004 “Link, Search, Interact: the Co-Evolution of NGOs and Interactive Technology” (with David Stark). Theory, Culture & Society, Volume 21(3), pp. 101-117.
2004 Technology and Transformation: Facilitating Knowledge Networks in Eastern Europe (with David Stark). Geneva: United Nations Research Institute on Social Development, Technology, Business and Society Program Paper 10, November.
Reprinted in 2004 in Transnational Associations: The Review of the Union of International Associations (1), pp. 58-54.
2002 “Innovative Ambiguities: NGOs’ use of Interactive Technology in Eastern Europe” (with David Stark). Studies in Comparative and International Development, Volume 37(2), pp. 3-23.
2002 “Charting the Web of Civil Society: How Information Technology is Transforming NGOs in East Central Europe” (with David Stark). Nonprofit Sector Research Fund Working Paper Series, Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute.
Related Teaching: Post-Socialist Modernity: The Afterlife of Utopia; Technologies of Civil Society; The Ex-City; The Wall: Berlin and Beyond